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Check out the Easter Egg Hunt this Saturday


The children stand behind the line, happy and excited as they whisper and point out the colored eggs spread across the lawns at St. Gabriel’s.

They wait in anticipation for the words that will let them run free across the line. On your mark, get set, go.

And they’re off.

Scrambling, they find and put as many brightly colored eggs as possible into their baskets. As special treats there are always a few golden eggs. Parents on the sidelines point excitedly, calling words of encouragement as their children race around scrambling for the final eggs.

The hunt is over within minutes, but the memory stays with us beyond next year’s Easter Egg Hunt. It is a part of our collection of wonderful Shelter Island memories we take with us throughout our lives.

The Shelter Island Easter Egg Hunt is a well-established tradition on the island for approximately 50 years. Starting out at Gardiner’s Bay Country Club, it was moved 10 years later to its present location at St. Gabriel’s.

This year’s egg hunt will be Saturday, Apr. 19 starting at 1 p.m. The rain date is the next day at 1 p.m.. The children are grouped by age between 1 and 8 years old.

Remember your cameras!

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