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A quacker jack of an event: Chamber of Commerce sponsors 11th annual Rubber Duck race

One of the Shelter Island’s classic events of summer, the Chamber of Commerce Duck Race, took place on Sunday, Aug. 28.

The beloved race is a fundraiser for the Chamber’s community events. Contestants sponsor a duck that they hope will swim to victory.

Following tradition, 409 ducks were ceremoniously dumped from First Bridge into the placid waters below at 1 p.m.

“Due to the slow outgoing current, the race lasted a record 20 minutes,” according to Chamber Secretary Art Williams. “The winners were finally called by our wranglers about 10 yards from the finish line, as it appeared that the winning ducks were not changing position.”

Formed into a peace sign, the ducks floated placidly, ever so slowly, to the finish line. (Credit: Susie Dempsey)

Apart from the suspense and excitement of the race, the event is an important fundraiser for the Chamber. Entrants pay $20 for each duck, and the proceeds are shared with the winners.

Win, Place and Show this year are:

First place — Duck 122, Michelle Herzog

Second place — Duck 45, Carla Cadin

Third place — Duck 46, David Campos