
Why the weights?

Question: Hey, Trent this is Laura S. So I have a personal trainer and I hired her for my fat loss goals, so why is she having me lift weights? I was joking with her and said I don’t want to be Arnold.

Answer: Laura, this is an awesome question. So you are wondering why you’re pumping iron on the quest for that fat loss? Let me unveil the mystery in a way that will have you chuckling and flexing those brain muscles. Imagine your fat cells as stubborn little critters holding on for dear life. They’re like that. One friend who refuses to leave the party. Now here comes weightlifting, swooping in like the superhero of the fitness world. You see, when you lift weights, you’re not just building muscle, you’re creating a metabolic bonfire.

Muscles are like the Energizer bunnies. Your body’s constantly burning calories even while you’re into Netflix and chilling; they’re basically the VIP ‘s of the calorie burning party. And guess what? As you build lean muscle those pesky fat cells start to feel a little outnumbered. It’s like a friendly takeover but in a gym, Instead of a boardroom.

But wait, there’s more. Weight lifting also helps shape and tone your physique, giving you that sculpted, chiseled look. It’s like giving Michelangelo’s David a run for his money. Now don’t be fooled by the scale. Muscle weighs more than fat, but it takes up less space. So while the numbers might not change dramatically, your body composition is undergoing a fabulous transformation.

And here’s the fun twist.

A well-designed weightlifting routine combined with the balanced diet becomes your secret weapon in the battle of the bulge. It’s like having a dynamic duo fighting off those extra pounds so your personal trainer isn’t just having you lift weights for fun. She is orchestrating a symphony of muscle-building magic to rev up your metabolism, melt away fat and sculpt you into a fitness masterpiece.

Remember, laughter is like a calorie burning workout for the soul. Keep that sense of humor intact. Embrace the weights and watch those fat cells say goodbye. Get ready to flex your way to fat loss victory.

If you have a specific fitness question you’d like answered, email me at trentfirestine@ gmail.com and I can cover it in a future column.