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Demolition set for building next to Shelter Island Town Hall

The town-owned house at 40 North Ferry Road, adjacent to Town Hall — once eyed as a fixer-upper to provide more office space — will soon be demolished by a crew from the Public Works Department.

All tenants who rented apartments in the building have moved out, according to Town Attorney Stephen Kiely. Mr. Kiely said Monday that he estimated the house would be gone within a month.

Future plans for the site haven’t yet been revealed.

Public Works Commissioner Brian Sherman said Tuesday that a crew was called in to properly remove asbestos, which had been identified on the roof of the structure. It is now safe for the Public Works crew to remove the structure, he said.

Mr. Sherman was awaiting word from PSEG-LI that power to the house has been turned off, making it possible to schedule the demolition. As soon as he gets that word, he will file an application with the town Building Department for a demolition permit, Mr. Sherman said.

Months ago, after reports that the structure couldn’t be rehabilitated and was unsafe, word went out to tenants to find other living quarters. But the timing, just as the summer season was about to get underway, made it difficult for tenants to be displaced. Agreement was made to delay action until the autumn.