Shelter Island Reporter Editorial: An inspiration
We never had any doubt about the large number of people who offer their services to make Shelter Island better by helping their neighbors.
But it was heartening to be reminded of that fact again this year as we were choosing our Person of the Year.
It didn’t take us long to put together a list of worthy candidates. We asked you, our readers, to nominate those who could meet the criteria of Person of the Year. With your poignant emails and phone calls, you, our readers, were — as you always have been — the best judges of the character of individuals who populate our Island.
The people you put forward for our award all met the American author William James’ advice: “Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.”
Every person nominated for our award is a thoughtful and committed citizen to making a difference in the community.
In the specific, we often find the universal.
All the Islanders who were placed in nomination by friends, family, students or colleagues have made significant changes in people’s lives. They in turn have taken what they’ve learned and are carrying forward the ideals of commitment to community.
The Island is filled with residents who work tirelessly to make our town a better place. Our candidates came from all walks of life and were all ages, thanks to you.
And a heartier thank you must go to all who walk the extra mile to help others, who every day are unheralded Persons of the Year. Islanders live in a small place, but their hearts can match up with those living anywhere.
Our Person of the Year, Gina Kraus, believes in — and proves by her actions — that making Shelter Island better means offering her time and service for the betterment of all.
She is, quite simply, an inspiration.