Shelter Island Police Department blotter: Jan. 29, 2025

Those named in arrest reports or receiving police summonses have not been convicted of a crime. In court, the charges against them may be reduced or withdrawn or the defendants may be found not guilty.
On Jan. 25, Edin Montenegro Perez, 37,of Greenport was arrested and taken into custody on an active bench warrant. The defendant was held overnight and arraigned before Shelter Island Justice Court. He was released on his own recognizance and directed to return to Justice Court at a later date.
Angel Jimenez Ramirez of Hampton Bays was ticketed on Jan. 20 on North Cartwright Road for operating a vehicle while its registration was suspended or revoked.
Anthony Menez of Shelter Island received a summons on Jan. 21 for speeding 42 mph in a 25-mph zone on New York Avenue.
Nicole Tejada of East Hampton was ticketed on North Cartwright Road on Jan. 23 for speeding 51 mph in a 35-mph zone.
On Jan. 21, Owen H. Caulfield of Shelter Island was driving northbound on North Menantic Road when a deer ran into the roadway and struck the left side of his vehicle, causing over $1,000 in damage.
Performing a well-being check at a Center residence that had no heat on Jan. 18, police assisted in contacting Piccozzi’s to service an oil burner and contacted a plumber to repair a cracked pipe.
Distracted driving was conducted in the Center on Jan. 18 and the Heights on Jan. 21, and radar enforcement in Cartwright on the 19th and 22nd, with no violations observed. Radar enforcement in the Heights on the 21st resulted in one ticket.
Responding to a possible trespass complaint, police interviewed a person on Jan. 18 and determined that a part owner had provided permission to retrieve belongings. Police notified highway departments of icy road conditions on Jan. 19.
A confidential investigation for possible narcotics usage was opened on Jan. 21. An internal police property audit was conducted on the 21st. Police responded to a possible fraud reported by the Town social worker on Jan. 21. An anonymous report citing risk of hazardous conditions, of a person walking near Ice Pond was investigated with no results. A threatening email reported in HiLo was investigated and the person advised to change passwords and send no monies since it was a commonly known scam.
A report of water bubbling under a dock in Montclair on the 22nd was investigated; it proved to be a properly functioning “Ice-eater” device.
A financial fraud was documented on Jan. 22. A car parked by the West Neck landing ramp for two days was investigated on Jan. 23; an employee advised that it had broken down and the owner was coming to retrieve it. Police investigated a report of open burning in the Center on Jan. 23 and advised the owner burning brush of burning regulations and had him extinguish the fire.
In other reports: Police investigated a 911 call that proved accidental; conducted school crossing duty; assisted with ferry traffic; provided foot patrol for the boys basketball game; received a missing property report; and provided a lift assist.
On Jan. 16, a Canadian goose with an injured wing was reported in Menantic; the Animal Control Officer (ACO responded but was unable to capture it. A sick turkey reported in the Center on Jan. 18 could not be located by the ACO. Two cats were retrieved from a Hay Beach location on Jan. 20 with the ACO’s assistance. A dog reported at large in Menantic on Jan. 21 was retrieved by the owner after a call from the ACO.
Shelter Island Emergency Medical Services (SIEMS) responded to cases on Jan. 17, 19, 20, 21, and 23 and transported five patients to Eastern Long Island Hospital. SIEMS responded to a patient and provided transport to Southampton Hospital on Jan. 20.
Responding to a loud alarm from an unoccupied residence under construction, an officer disconnected the alarm’s battery on Jan. 17. Police and Shelter Island Fire Department (SIFD) responded to a flooded basement in a Montclair residence on Jan 18. SIFD pumped out the basement and advised the owner to contact a plumber for repairs.