12.19.2019 Around the Island What’s happening around the Island THIS WEEK HOLIDAY SHOPPING Havens Store is open for holiday shopping from Thursday to Saturday, Dec. 19 to 21, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. 631-749-0025, shelterislandhistorical.org.
12.12.2019 Announcements What’s happening around the Island THIS WEEK PTSA BOUTIQUE The PTSA Holiday Boutique is where students shop for family members and volunteers wrap gifts. It is currently accepting donations of new and used items....
12.05.2019 Around the Island What’s happening around the Island THIS WEEK PTSA BOUTIQUE The PTSA Holiday Boutique is where students shop for family members and volunteers wrap gifts. It is currently accepting donations of new and used items....
11.20.2019 Around the Island What’s happening: Nov. 21, 2019 THIS WEEK LEARN FRENCH The Shelter Island Library presents an intermediate French conversation class on Thursday, Nov. 21, at 11 a.m. facilitated by Alix Shearer and Elisabeth Heimann.
09.13.2019 Around the Island Island bookshelf: ‘Drag: The Complete Story’ “Drag: The Complete Story” By Simon Doonan Laurence King Publishing