SUPREME COURT: COUNTY OF SUFFOLK – OPTION ONE MORTGAGE CORPORATION, Plaintiff, AGAINST CLIFFORD J. CANDIDA, ET AL., Defendant(s). Pursuant to a judgment of foreclosure and sale duly dated 11/23/2009, I, the undersigned Referee will sell at public auction at the Shelter Island Town Hall, Ferry Road, Shelter Island, New York, on 2/18/2010 at 11:00 AM, premises known as 12 PETTICOAT LANE, SHELTER ISLAND, NY 11964. All that certain plot piece or parcel of land, with the buildings and improvements thereon erected, situate, lying and being in the Town of SHELTER ISLAND, County of Suffolk and State of New York, Section, Block and Lot: 22.00-1-21. Approximate amount of judgment $480,416.99 plus interest and costs. Premises will be sold subject to provisions of filed Judgment Index #37322/07. Dennis E Downes, Referee,
Steven J. Baum PC,
Attorneys for Plaintiff,
P.O. Box 1291,
Buffalo, NY 14240-1291
Dated: 1/18/2010
2493-4T 1/21, 28; 2/4, 11
The Greenport UFSD has issued a Request for Proposals for architectural services. Interested parties should contact Michael Comanda, Superintendent of Schools at (631) 477-1950 x 202, or access for a complete set of RFP details.
2496-2T 2/4, 11
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, that the following hearings will be held by the Shelter Island Zoning Board of Appeals on the 24th day of February 2010, at the Shelter Island Town Hall, 38 N. Ferry Road, Shelter Island, New York. Applications are scheduled to begin at 7:30 p.m., or thereafter. Applications may be heard in the order they appear in this notice.
1) The application of Lawrence and Antonette Landry for renovation and expansion of a nonconforming structure and variance at premises located at 10 Clinton Avenue, Shelter Island Heights, New York, which is Zone “AA reverting to A-Residential” on the Shelter Island Zoning Map, and specifically described on the Suffolk County Tax Map as 0700/005/03/012. Applicant seeks to partially reconstruct and add a garage to a nonconforming building, which requires a special permit pursuant to Section 133-23. Applicant also seeks a 5’ north side yard area variance from the 25’ setback required by Section 133-6(B)(5) for the garage addition.
2) The application of Marine Zagoreos for a special permit to construct a house at 28 Ram Island Drive, Shelter Island, NY, which is Zone AA/Near Shore Overlay on the Shelter Island Zoning Map, and specifically described on the Suffolk County Tax Map as 0700/04/01/06.1. Applicant seeks a special permit under Section 133-11 to construct a replacement house in the Undeveloped Coastal Barrier Zone.
All persons wishing to be heard should appear at the aforementioned times and place.
By Order of the
Zoning Board of Appeals
Joann Piccozzi, Chairman
2497-1T 2/11
Shelter Island
Union Free School District
33 North Ferry Road
Shelter Island, New York 11964
BID NO: Bus09-10A
The Board of Education of the Shelter Island Union Free School District hereby invites the submission of sealed bids from reputable and qualified BUS TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES for Student Transportation Services for the following contracts in the Shelter Island Union Free School District for the 2010-2011 school year and 2010-2011 through the 2013-2014 school year: (1) Regular Home-to-School/School-to-Home Transportation, and (2) Out-Of-District Transportation. Forms of proposal, certification, conditions, specifications and bids may be obtained at the Shelter Island School, Business Office between the hours of 8:30 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. Monday – Friday, beginning on Thursday, February 11, 2010. Requests for specifications may be faxed to (631) 749-1262 or downloaded in their entirety from the Web site by navigating to the Business Office Tab. To have them express shipped at the bidder’s cost, please provide your shipper’s account number when contacting the District Offices.
Any deviations from these conditions or specifications must be listed on a separate sheet attached to the bidder’s detailed conditions and specifications and referred to separately in the proposals. In all cases not indicated by bidders as a deviation, it is understood that the conditions and specifications of the Shelter Island Union Free School District shall apply. Bids will be received until 11:00 a.m. Prevailing Time on March 25, 2010, at the Shelter Island School, Shelter Island, New York 11964, at which time and place all bids will be publicly opened and read aloud.
Bids will remain firm for a period of forty-five (45) days following the date of the opening, and shall thereafter remain firm until the bidder provides written notice to the School District Business Office that the bid has been withdrawn.
The Board of Education reserves the right to consider experience, service and reputation in the student transportation field, as well as the financial responsibility and specific qualifications set out herein of the prospective bidder, in considering bids and awarding the contracts. The Board of Education reserves the right to reject any and all bids in whole or in part, when in its sole discretion it deems that it will serve the best interests of the School District, to waive technical defects, irregularities and omissions; and, to select in its sole discretion which of two or more identical bidders shall be awarded the contract.
Bidders shall be required to furnish, at their own expense, a bid bond or certified check in the amount of ten percent (10%) of the bid amount for the each of the following transportation service contract: Regular Home-to-School/School-to-Home Transportation to be submitted with the bid. Proof of the ability to furnish a 100% performance bond in the form set forth in the specifications must also be submitted with the bid.
Deborah Vecchio
District Clerk
Shelter Island
Union Free School District
February 11, 2010
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