
Rocking Rockette takes top honors for Week 19

There is a new Rockette on the boards this week and it is none other than Sherri from the Ferry, Sherri Surozenski.

Sherri tap-danced through the first game with a pair of spares to start. She had two open frames and ended with 5 spares in a row for a 151. Starting the next game with another pair of spares, she rolled a 141 with a Dutch set. The encore for our rocking Rockette was 6 spares in a row with one open frame for a 174. 

Brick Laying Babe Captain Laura Marcello had a pair of spares for a 133 in the first game against the Fabulous Five. Fellow Babe Traci Kannwischer started with a turkey for a 146 while Fab Captain Betty Kontje ended with a turkey for a 143. Jackie Brewer followed her captain with a Dutch set and a poult for a 158.

Dara Clark carried her team in the second game, but couldn’t get past the Fabs. Norma Edwards had her high of the night with a 115, Donna Cass pulled a poult and Jackie had two sets of strikes and a pair of spares for a 176.

Babe Tracy Gibbs took a lot of wood with one open frame for a hot 182 in the last game. Jackie bowled just over average with a 149 while Donna was not far behind with another poult for a 145. Fab Five took all 11.

Three Spares took on a duo of Odd Balls. Spare Sue Klenawicus closed her first game with a poult for a 132. It was all spares for the OBs — Kelly Michalak had a pair for a 112 while Captain Stephanie Tybaert had two pair for an elementary 123. Spare Ellie Labrozzi got the 4-7-10 split in the fifth frame and a third throw in the tenth frame for a 144.

Steph had double strikes to start and took the second game for her Odd Balls. Oddly, the OBs couldn’t get their pins to fall quite the way they wanted in the last game. Momma P. rolled her best in the last game with a 95. All three Spares mimicked each other with a spare and 9 pins in the tenth frame. They also took the last game. 

The Rockettes and Lucky Strikes danced across the lanes last Monday. Sherri was the only ‘Ette in step for the first game. Three out of four Lucky Strikes rolled over average with Melina Wein the most over her average with a 121. Alison Bevilacqua and Julie Fanelli had their highest scores of the night with a 106 and 125 respectively.

Too much laughing kept the Strikes from picking up their marks in the second game. ‘Ettes Fay Rodriguez-Walker and Nichole Thomas were overcome by a case of the giggles as well. Lynn Kay Winters was available as a dance partner for Sherri with a Shelter Island score of 114. Erica Tome picked up quite a few marks to carry her team with the only over average score in the last game.

It just wasn’t enough to beat the Rockettes. Lynn Kay tapped out another 114, Fay danced around a 124, and Nichole took a bow with a 130. 

Paint by Numbers had a difficult time when only two could bowl. Paint Linda Springer did her best in the first game with a picturesque 144. Jan Warner got a poult for a 139 and the Guttersnipe win for her team.

In the second game Captain Sue Warner pulled two poults for a 171, but her team left her high and dry. Donna Clark and Linda were able to take the win by bowling close to their marks. Donna and Linda had 3 marks each in the last game, but it wasn’t enough. Cathy Driscoll just missed a turkey for a 124, Archer Brown had three spares for a 107, Jan got the little house of 111, and Sue had three open frames for a 161.

Guttersnipes 126.5 82.5

Rockettes 121.5 87.5

Paint by Numbers 115.0 94.0

Spare Us 110.0 99.0

Brick Laying Babes 110.0 99.0

Fabulous Five 105.0 104.0

Lucky Strikes 80.0 129.0

Odd Balls 68.0 141.0