Weekly Calendar: March 15 — March 25, 2018

Youth yoga, for ages 6 to 12 with Kelci McIntosh. 2:45 to 3:45 p.m. on Thursdays. American Legion/Youth Center. Children are accompanied from school to the Youth Center by a recreation aide. $5 per class. (631) 749-0309.
Art history course, by Otis College of Art and Design sponsored by the library. Learn about the role of the French avant-garde in modern approaches to art in the 19th century. Four week program with video presentations and on-line reading. Second session, 5:15 p.m. in the lower level community room. Free, but registration required. Call (631) 749-0042 to register.
Oatmeal for dessert, for grades K through 5 with Bethany Ortmann. Friday, 2:45 to 4 p.m. American Legion/Youth Center. $10. (631) 749-0309.
Lenten dinners, “Listen: Prayer in a Noisy World,” based on a book by Rueben P. Job. Light meal at 6 p.m. followed by discussion. A 40-day guidebook accompanies the program. St. Mary’s Episcopal Church. Call the church office to reserve or for details, (631) 749-0770.
Friday Night Dialogues, watch “Portraits of a Lady,” a documentary about Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor sitting for 25 artists for a historic painting session. Movie producer and designer Walter Bernard will speak after the film. In partnership with Hamptons Take 2 Documentary Film Festival. 7 p.m., library. (631) 749-0042.
Book sale donations, drop off books in good condition at the book sale room in the library’s lower level. 9:30 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Off-trail woods walk, travel by truck then wander Blue Trail toward Coecles Harbor. See very large oaks and a huge glacial erratic. 10 a.m. to noon. Mashomack Preserve. To reserve, call (631) 749-4219.
Annual corned beef and cabbage dinner, two seatings, 5 p.m. and 7 p.m. American Legion Hall. Cosponsored by Our Lady of the Isle Church. $20. Proceeds benefit the food pantry. For reservations call the Legion at (631) 749-1180.
Mystery Book Club, discusses “A Rag, a Bone and a Hank of Hair” by Jonathan Gash. 5 p.m., library. (631) 749-0042.
Cookbook Club, Irish delights, the library’s cookbook club celebrates Irish cuisine in honor of St. Patrick’s Day. 6 p.m., library. (631) 749-0042.
Relaxtion technique, presented by licensed massage therapist Loretta Dalia of Stony Brook Southampton Hospital. “Guided Imagery for Relaxation” is described as a gentle but powerful technique to reduce tension and manage stress. 6 p.m., library. Reserve your spot by calling (631) 749-0042, or register at the circulation desk.
Out to Lunch Bunch, Recreation Department-sponsored lunch trip for ages 60 plus to Southampton Publick House. Meet at American Legion/Youth Center at 11:30 a.m. for transportation by van. $6 for residents, $7 for non-residents, plus the cost of self-selected lunch. Register at (631) 749-0309.
Art history course, by Otis College of Art and Design sponsored by the library. Learn about the role of the French avant-garde in modern approaches to art in the 19th century. Four week program with video presentations and on-line reading. Third session, 5:15 p.m. in the lower level community room. Free, but registration required. Call (631) 749-0042 to register.
Shelter Island Drama Club, presents the musical “Nice Work If You Can Get It,” songs by George and Ira Gershwin, book by Joe DiPietro. 7 p.m., school auditorium. Performances also Friday and Saturday, March 23 and 24 at 8 p.m. and Sunday, March 25 at 3 p.m.
Lenten dinners, St. Mary’s Church is hosting a supper program on Fridays during Lent called “Listen: Prayer in a Noisy World,” based on a book by Rueben P. Job. Light meal served at 6 p.m. with discussion to follow. A 40-day guidebook accompanies the program. Call the church office to reserve or for details, (631) 749-0770.
Defensive driving course, for drivers of all ages. John Wallace of Amaden Gay Agency leads day-long program. 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., library. Cost is $45 payable to instructor. Participants should bring lunch or snacks. Register at the circulation desk or by calling (631) 749-0042.
Bluebird nestbox workshop, become a nestbox volunteer and learn how to help Mashomack Preserve bring back the New York State bird. 4 to 5 p.m. at Mashomack Preserve. To sign up, call (631) 749-4219.
(At Town Hall unless otherwise noted)
March 15: WQIPAB meeting, 6 p.m.
March 19: WAC meeting, 7 p.m.
March 20: Town Board, work session, 1 p.m.
March 21: ZBA, work session, 7:30 p.m.
March 22: Community Housing Board, 7 p.m.
March 23: Town Board, meeting, 4:30 p.m.
Adult coed drop-in basketball, Mondays and Thursdays, 7 to 8:30 p.m., school gym. No charge.
Adult coed drop-in soccer, Tuesdays, 8:30 to 10 p.m., school gym. No charge.
Adult coed drop-in volleyball, Wednesdays, 7 to 9 p.m., school gym. No charge.
After school fun, on full session school days only, 2:45 to 5 p.m. Students walk with Recreation aide to Youth Center for supervised play time. $10 per child/day.
Alcoholics Anonymous, Fridays, beginners meeting, 7:30 p.m., Presbyterian Church. Open discussion Monday through Friday, 7 a.m. St. Mary’s; Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Saturdays, 7:30 p.m.
Al-Anon, Saturdays, 10 a.m., library, St. Mary’s.
Alateen, for ages 11 to 18, Tuesdays, 3 p.m., Presbyterian Church, downstairs.
Alignment & Base Exercise, Wednesdays with Callie Atkins, 5:30 p.m., Recreation Department, Legion Hall, $5.
American Legion, Friday night dinners with Stephanie Tybaert, Tuesdays with Michelle Beckwith, 6 p.m. For legionnaires, auxiliary members and boosters. (631) 749-1180.
Art Barnett Poetry Roundtable, Tuesdays, 4 p.m., library.
Basketball, for ages 50+, Sundays noon to 2 p.m., Shelter Island School gym. Free.
English as a New Language, Thursdays, 4 p.m., library. For adults. Free.
Family story time, Mondays, 11:15 a.m., library. (631) 749-0042. Call for dates.
Functional Fitness, with Maggie Davis. Tuesdays at 8:15 a.m. and Saturdays at 8 a.m. American Legion/Youth Center. $5/class.
Kids yoga, Thursdays, 10:30 a.m., library. (631) 749-0042. Call for dates.
Knitting club, Thursdays, 5 p.m., library.
Mah jongg club, Mondays, 10 a.m., library lower level. Instruction available. Stephanie Zinger (631) 749-8805.
Metropolitan Opera live at Guild Hall, tickets available at library circulation desk, $15. Call (631) 749-0042 for dates.
Open gym, for grades 6 through 12, Fridays and Saturdays, 7 to 10 p.m. (sign in by 8). School. (631) 749-0309.
PiYo, Pilates/yoga based exercise with Julie Romanchuk-Weisenberg. Thursdays, 6:30 p.m., Tuesdays, 6 p.m. American Legion/Youth Center. $5. (516) 659-9155.
Poker table, Thursdays, 1:30 to 5 p.m., Senior Activity Center. (631) 749-1059.
Preschooler and parent drop-in gym, Tuesdays 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. American Legion/Youth Center. $3.25 (discount passes available). (631) 749-0309.
Senior Mah jongg, Fridays and Mondays, 1:30 to 5 p.m., Senior Activity Center. (631) 749-1059.
Senior Tai Chi, Tuesdays and Thursdays through April 24, 11 a.m. to noon, Senior Activity Center. (631) 749-1059
Senior yoga, Fridays and Mondays, 10 a.m., Senior Activity Center. (631) 749-1059.
Sensory exploration, young children play at multiple stations. Wednesdays, 11:15 a.m., library. Call (631) 749-0042 for dates.
Shelter Island All-Faith Youth Group, grades 8 to 12. Wednesdays 6 to 7:30 p.m., Camp Quinipet’s welcome center.
Silver Circle Social Club, Wednesdays, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., Senior Activity Center. Call (631) 749-1059 for details.
Snack Attack, young adults bring after school snacks and play games or make crafts. Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays, 2:30 to 3:30 p.m., library. (631) 749-0042.
Story and a craft, Saturdays, 11:15 a.m., library. (631) 749-0042. Call for dates.
Yoga, with Dawn Hedberg. Thursdays, 5 p.m. American Legion/Youth Center. $5/class.
Yoga, with Lila Piccozzi. Fridays, 5:30 p.m. All levels. American Legion/Youth Center. $5/class.
Yoga story time, for children. One Saturday per month, 11 a.m., library. Call (631) 749-0042 for dates.
Youth Yoga, for ages 6 to 12 with Kelci McIntosh. Thursdays, 2:45 to 3:45 p.m. American Legion/Youth Center. $5/class.
Zumba, with Susan Binder, and Melanie Matz. Saturdays, 9:15 to 10:15 a.m. and Mondays, 5:30 p.m. American Legion/Youth Center. $5/class.
Zumba Gold, with Susan Binder. Fridays, Mondays and Wednesdays, 9 a.m. American Legion/Youth Center. $5/class.
Zumba Kids, for ages 7 to 11 with Susan Binder. Thursdays, 2:45 to 3:45 p.m. American Legion/Youth Center. $5/class.