Richard’s Almanac: Freezing in the middle of April
I spent last Friday and Saturday enjoying our wonderful weather. It was such a pleasant change from the foul weather we’ve been having for the past month. It is supposed to be spring!
It was almost fun to begin garden work. Buds seemed to open before my eyes and the ground had the scent of spring. I was loving it. And Saturday dawned with temperatures in the 50s. All the signs of a good weekend to come. Then my friends at Channel 12 had to ruin everything with their report of plummeting temperatures for Sunday.
When I mentioned this to Bob Lipsyte while walking into the Senior Citizens Foundation meeting that morning, he thanked me for ruining his positive outlook for the weekend.
The Foundation meeting was productive in many ways. There are loads of projects going on involving the Foundation and benefiting the senior citizens of this Island.
First off, there was a new president elected. I can’t reveal the name until it’s official. Current president Barbara Silverstone will stay on until the new choice officially accepts. Then she’ll remain, but not as president. There was also the resignation of a member. So if you think that you might like to serve, send your resume to me, the secretary, and I’ll pass it on to Barbara.
The Foundation is an independent organization here to provide for the needs of Island seniors. The foundation does its own fundraising and has its own board of directors.
For example, at Saturday’s meeting a vote was taken approving a gift of $5,000 to the Lions Club to pay for benches to be placed at the pavilion under construction at Wade’s Beach. The benches will enable seniors to enjoy the beach in a shaded area.
Last year the Foundation gave funds to improve walkways and lighting at the Perlman Music Center, permitting seniors to have easier access to the concert halls.
And as you have probably read in this paper, the Foundation is working with the Town and Island physicians to get more medical coverage here. Some Foundation members are planning a trip to Fisher’s Island to see their medical facilities and how they serve the needs of the residents.
After the meeting I went home and enjoyed more of the glorious weather. I had a birthday party to attend in Quogue for a 7-year-old boy in the afternoon. I kept trying to think of a good present but took the easy way out and settled on sticking cash in a card. I figured that 7 was old enough to appreciate the value of a buck.
The child’s grandmother, my friend Dorothy, who just returned from Florida and hasn’t stopped shivering since she got back last week, agreed.
So we went to Quogue in the heat of the afternoon and watched all these kids running around in T-shirts enjoying themselves. It seemed that as soon as the cake was served, the temperature dropped big time.
It did not faze the kids but the adults ran for the warmth of the indoors.
I had to leave early because of preparations for visitors on Sunday. The warmth of my car heater was appreciated.
And now on Sunday we have high winds, low temperatures and cloudy skies. Hard to believe it’s the middle of April. I just walked outside to get some more firewood and I believe that I felt some snow. However, the outlook for the week ahead is a bit better — things might really be warming up.
It’s a fact that old bones do not like the cold, damp weather. I do not know how scientific that is but I have met septuagenarians and octogenarians in Florida who have said, “If I stayed up north, I’d be dead by now.”