Around the Island

Little League Registration now open: Register by March 1

In a sign that spring is not too far down the road, the Shelter Island Little League has announced it’s sign-up time.

Create a new account at //, or use an existing account to register your child.

The cost for the first child is $125; for two or more children, it’s $175. Financial assistance is available.

The league is for ages 4-12 (must be 4 by Aug. 1). Register your child based on age. The local league will help group the teams appropriately based on participation. The teams are as follows:

T-Ball (Boys & Girls Combined ages 4-7)

Coach Pitch (Boys & Girls Combined ages 7-12)

Minors Baseball (Boys & Girls Combined ages 7-12) Majors Baseball (Boys (ages 9-12) & Softball (Girls ages 9-12)

Parent/Coach volunteers are needed. Contact Laurene Meehan at 917-690-3252 with questions.