Spring cleaning for the soul

With spring comes renewal and a chance to reset. We see trees and flowers wake up from winter with their promising buds and blooms. We start to bring forward lighter and brighter clothes in our closets, moving heavier knits no longer needed to the back.
Things seem lighter overall as we look forward to sunnier days.
What if we tended to our wellness like our gardens, or took stock of ourselves like our closets, taking a longer look at what isn’t serving us anymore, or what needs to be watered to bloom?
Now that it’s spring, think of yourself like a flower pushing up through the earth to blossom. Now is the time to raise the barre, push a little harder, so we can bloom and blossom to our fullest.
Here are some ways to check in with yourself this season to put your healthiest foot forward, both inside and out.
• Give yourself the gift of time Waking up just 20 minutes earlier for some mindful stretching, meditation or to just simply drink your coffee or tea without rushing will set yourself up for a more peaceful day.
• Release yourself Stress may be felt in your mind, but it is held in your body. Ache in your shoulders or the tightness in your hips can be a result of stress internalized over time. Incorporating exercise such as yoga or pilates into your routine can alleviate pain, help you sleep better, and lift your overall mood — regularly!
• Feed your soul Comfort food may have gotten you through the winter, but now is the time to treat yourself to fruits and veggies high in antioxidants such as blueberries, strawberries, raspberries, artichokes and kale. These super foods can help to ward off chronic diseases as well as bring you energy and a glow from within.
• Reconnect Call a friend and go for a walk outside. The combination of social interaction and exercise will have your endorphins flowing, making any winter blues a distant memory.
• Re-energize Switch up your workout! Add another class to the schedule, or switch gears and try something new. The “best exercise” is whichever one you like the most, and will keep coming back to. Committing to a low impact and strengthening exercise such as yoga or pilates will keep your body tuned up to do the activities that bring you joy, whether it’s golf, tennis, or gardening.
• Reprioritize Invest in yourself and your own well-being, and physical health will follow. Try to work out three times a week at minimum and feel your energy shift. Quality over quantity fitness can have positive effects for years to come.
• Align When the way we think, the way we feel, and our actions all align, we find well-being, grace and peace. When we keep well-being as our ultimate goal — whatever “well-being” looks like to you — our body, mind and spirit align perfectly.
Suzette Smith is the owner and founder of Shelter Island Pilates and Barre (shelterislandpilates.com), offering private, group, and online classes.