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Shelter Island Police Department blotter: Aug. 22, 2023

Those named in arrest reports or receiving police summonses have not been convicted of a crime. In court, the charges against them may be reduced or withdrawn or the defendants may be found not guilty.


Katherine V. Franzoni, Shelter Island, was driving on Smith Street on Aug. 14 when she was ticketed for failure to stop at a stop sign. Also on that date, Dylan L. Reckner, Ambler, Penn., was given a summons for speeding on New York Avenue — 41 miles per hour in a 25-mph zone.

Police issued three summonses on Aug. 15: Oscar Reyes-Torres, Bridgehampton, for an inadequate or no brake lights; Tullia B. Limarzi, Shelter Island, for driving while using a cellphone and for operating an uninspected vehicle.

On Aug. 30, Frank I. Loverro, South Salem, N.Y., was ticketed for driving with a passenger in the front seat with no seatbelt restraints.

Police conducted 23 distracted driving, radar enforcement and traffic stops on Aug. 14 through Aug. 20 in the Center, Menantic, the Heights and West Neck, resulting in 14 warnings and six tickets.

Traffic control officers issued 32 parking tickets.

Bay constables issued six tickets during the week to Daniel S. Weinstein, New York City, for operating a personal water craft without a safety certificate; Andrew D. Karr, Southampton, off Bootleggers Alley, for operating a boat without a safety certificate or registration; Faisal Mahaiudin, East North Port, for operating without a safety certificate in the waters off Crescent Beach; Robert E. Anderson, Melbourne, Fla., traveling at an imprudent speed in the South Ferry Channel, creating a large wake; and Antonio Girard, New London, Conn., for boating too close to swimmers at Crescent Beach.

Eight warnings were issued to boats in the North Channel, West Neck and Dering Harbor, and eight boat owners in Silver Beach were advised to move to approved anchorages. Six water craft in the Center, Silver Beach and Ram Island were impounded for failure to display a town storage permit.


On Aug. 18, Jill M. Brienza, New York City, told police she was backing out of a parking space on North Ferry Road and in the process of moving forward when she was hit by a vehicle driven by Elizabeth A. Ambargis, Wilton, Conn., who was backing out of an adjacent space. According to the draft report, there was over $1,000 damage to the left front of Ms. Brienza’s vehicle and the right rear bumper of the other vehicle.

There was a minor boating accident on Aug. 19 in West Neck Harbor. Ioannis Zoumas, Wading River, was operating a boat inside a designated anchorage area when she hit the anchor line of a boat owned by Rodd Leeds, Boca Raton, Fla., which was at anchor, damaging the gel coat on the boat’s stern. There was minor damage to the grab rail of the other boat.


The animal control officer (ACO) conducted patrols of Wades and Crescent beaches on Aug. 14 through Aug. 20, resulting in seven warnings to dog owners.

Loud music was reported at Sunset Beach on Aug. 14; the restaurant manager turned down the volume.

A caller told police that someone was loitering near her Center driveway on the 14th. She spoke to the person, who was advised by police not to enter the property. A landlord/tenant dispute was reported in the Center. A complainant told police that dirt bikes were being ridden towards the Center; an officer canvassed the area with negative results.

Minor damage to the bathrooms at Wades Beach were reported on Aug. 15. Police investigated a complaint about an unknown person entering a private property in the Center. Also on that date, police were told about a person driving erratically towards South Ferry; the vehicle was not located.

A suspicious person was reported at a West Neck camp on the 16th. On the 17th, a caller was at police headquarters to discuss a confrontation with a tenant on an adjoining Center property.

On Aug. 18, a boat adrift off Shell Beach was later found at Wades Beach; police assisted the owner with moving the boat to a town landing in North Silver Beach. Police responded to an anonymous complaint about loud noise and music in the Center. An officer located a large party but the music was at a reasonable level. The owner was advised about the town noise ordinance.

A caller told police an unknown person was on a Center property and requested a police response. An officer found a code enforcement officer was on the site.

A confidential investigation was opened on Aug. 19.

Loud music was reported in the Center on Aug. 20; the volume was lowered at the officer’s request. A complaint about loud music at a residence in West Neck was also called in. An officer said the volume was unreasonable and the sound was lowered. A second call was received and the officer determined the volume was still too loud; the owner said she would lower the music again. A decibel investigation will also be conducted.

On Aug. 20, police investigated a possible scam. Another loud music complaint was received on this date; the manager at Sunset Beach turned it off without incident. An officer on patrol observed trespassers fishing off a North Ferry boat.

Also on the 20th, police investigated a neighbor dispute in the Heights. An officer responded to a verbal dispute at the North Ferry Terminal, although the Greenport location was in Southold’s jurisdiction. The complainant did not wish to press charges and did not want to be contacted. She was advised that the SIPD had to document the incident and report it to the Southold police.

A complaint was received on Aug. 20 about noise at the Rams Head Inn; the manager was advised to lower the music. He said it would be turned off at 10 pm.

In other incidents: police handled a Vehicle Identification Number verification; responded to three lost and found calls; unlocked a vehicle with the keys inside; provided traffic control at North Ferry; handled three false 911 calls; conducted a well-being check; performed a lift assist, attended two training sessions; and appeared in Justice Court.


The Shelter Island Fire Department responded to two fire and one carbon monoxide alarms on Aug. 15 and 20 in the Center, West Neck and the Heights. One was set off by a water leak in the basement; the fire chief found no problem with the second, and the CO alarm was activated by a defective device.

No criminal activity was noted at a commercial alarm in the Center on Aug. 15, and a Heights resident forgot to deactivate an alarm on Aug. 20.


The ACO was unable to capture sick turkeys in Cartwright and Hay Beach.

Southampton animal control asked for help in locating an unclaimed red foot tortoise; the Island’s ACO agreed to take care of it until the owner is located. A turtle hit by a car was taken to a vet for euthanasia. A turtle in the Center, with an old injury, was taken to the Turtle Rescue of the Hamptons.

A dog in Menantic attacked a rabbit; the ACO took the rabbit to a wildlife rehabilitator.

A caller reported dogs at large on Taylor’s Island. While dogs are allowed there, they must be under an owner’s supervision. The ACO would need to identify the owners in order to speak to them about the town code.

A lost dog got out of its Silver Beach yard; the ACO found the dog on its own property. A dog escaped from its Center yard and was subsequently found across the street. The ACO agreed to be on the lookout for two aggressive dogs at large near Menhaden Lane. A dog at large in the Heights was located by a caller who brought the dog to police headquarters where the ACO contacted the owner.

A goose in the Center with a broken wing ran into the woods and away from the ACO. A bat was reported loose in a Westmoreland home; the ACO was unable to locate it.


Shelter Island Emergency Medical Services teams transported five patients to Eastern Long Island Hospital on Aug. 15, 16, 17 and 20. Two people refused transportation on Aug. 18.