Deadline extended for appointment to the Shelter Island Town Board
For the second time, the new Town Board extended the deadline to give more time to those who would like to fill the fifth seat that opened when Amber Brach-Williams was elected supervisor.
Anyone who hasn’t submitted an interest in the position should provide information to Judy Meringer, confidential secretary to Supervisor Brach-Williams. You can bring your information to Town Hall, or email Ms. Meringer at [email protected].
The Town Board said eight candidates had applied for the post based on the initial deadline. But because of the intervening holiday period, the supervisor at the Jan. 2 organizational meeting said additional candidates could submit notices of interest for another week.
On Jan. 4, an announcement was made that the deadline has now been extended to Jan. 16.
The Town Board is reviewing information in executive sessions and will be scheduling interviews to appoint a fifth Board member as soon as possible.
Ms. Brach-Williams said she hoped the four current Board members would come to a consensus and choose someone not strongly aligned with either party — someone who might bring an independent viewpoint to issues.