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Shelter Island Reporter Letters To the Editor

Joy and support

To the Editor:

Imagine my surprise when I picked up the Jan. 11 Reporter and saw my thumbs-up photo on the front page.

Being a coach is an enormous privilege, and one I enjoy immensely, even after all these years. At the end of each season, I tell my players that volleyball gave me an instant family in college, one that has remained strong for decades. I hope that they find something that will give them the joy and support that my favorite sport has given me.

Maintaining connections is a priority in my life. I very much enjoyed talking to Grace Olinkiewicz, a former Shelter Island volleyball player, during the interview.

It thrills me to hear back from former athletes who might tag me in a social media post, text me out of the blue or just stop me on the streets to say hello. I love to see Island athletes move on in life, mature, and become confident young adults.

I want to thank the Reporter for devoting space in the paper to our school. If you no longer attend or have a child or grandchild enrolled, it can be easy to forget the thriving building in the center of town that is home to not just academic pursuits, but also concerts, plays, art displays, voting, and has athletic space for both students and adults.

I also applaud the support of the Island community in recognizing our young athletes who give so much back to the town through sports, scholarship and community service. It takes a village, and one that I am very proud to be part of.

CINDY BELT, Shelter Island

Just what you do

To the Editor:

I just loved Charity Robey’s column on composting (Jan. 4), which I learned right on Shelter Island over 60 years ago.

My parents, being European and “people of the earth,” composted in our cold frames which were originally built by Papa (Luigi) Paolontonio, our neighbor. My job, city girl that I was during the winter, was to take the table scraps out to the compost pile. I didn’t even know then that it was a thing, to compost, just what you do with table scraps when you’re in the country.

I’ve heard about being composted in Marin County,  Calif. from a friend who knew someone who had it done there upon her passing. Intriguing idea except I’ve already paid for my regular spot at the Our Lady of the Isle Cemetery.

REGINA HARTLEY, Laguna Beach, Calif.