Young golfers, learning, having fun at Shelter Island’s Goat Hill
The Owen N. Dickson Junior Golf Program at Shelter Island Country Club (SICC) just concluded its third year, on Aug. 1. Forty junior golfers aged 7-16 participated.
As the number of golfers increased, so did the number of coaches. This year’s volunteer coaches included Bob DeStefano — Gardiner’s Bay Country Club pro for five decades — Father Peter DeSanctis, Charlie Pensa, Bill Hannabury, George Goodleaf, Ginny Gibbs, and Junior Golf Coordinator Linda Springer.
They were assisted by Pro Shop employees Matt Minikel, Henry Springer, Maeve Springer, and Luke Ferris. Each junior golfer received SICC logo hats, golf polo shirts, and ball markers, along with a discounted rate when playing the course.
Each Thursday, the junior golfers were divided into two age-based groups. The younger group — 7 to 10 years old — were separated into three smaller groups. The groups rotated at the driving range, focusing on swing fundamentals and hitting toward different marked flags. The practice green was used for putting games like “Over the Cliff” and “Clock Face,” and working on key putting concepts.
And lastly the juniors played the course, with the coaches providing guidance on technique, aiming, and club selection.
The session wrapped up at the clubhouse with a raffle where the kids won golf items such as gloves, balls, and hats, followed by refreshing K-pops from Karen Garcia-Springer’s van.
The older group — 10 to 16 years old — spent their final day on the course, playing a mix of par threes and par fours, discussing strategies for each shot. Then, they returned to the clubhouse for their own raffle and enjoyed those K-pops to conclude the program.
At the clubhouse gathering, junior golfer Weston Heaney said, “This was my third year, and it was so much fun. I love golf and can’t wait until I can join my school team. I really enjoyed this program.”
The program not only had a great affect on the kids, but the coaches as well. Club Pro Bob DeStefano said, “It’s nice to see so many kids interested in golf. It’s refreshing to see them outside, instead of spending all of their time inside on electronics.”
Father DeSanctis added, “A program like this is so valuable because golf is like real life in miniature. You have to be able to self-discipline yourself to succeed.” Congratulations on a successful year, and we hope to see even more junior golfers next year!