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Dredging continues in Shelter Island waters

Suffolk County will be dredging in West Neck Harbor through mid-October. The project includes widening of the approach channels to West Neck Harbor, Menantic Creek, and Dickerson Creek.

The project also includes shoreline restoration at Wades Beach and Shell Beach.  Temporary road and channel closures have been necessary to facilitate the work. Pedestrians, motor vehicles, and marine vessels have also been advised to use caution when operating in the vicinity of the dredging operation.

Spoils — sand, mud, rock — from the dredge sites are being used to enlarge Wades Beach and shore up Shell Beach’s narrow spit of land.

Dredging of Dickerson Creek and Shell Beach have been completed. The County will start work on Menantic Creek this week, according to Highway Superintendent and Public Works Commissioner Ken Lewis Jr.