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Shelter Island Reporter Letters to the Editor: Oct. 5, 2024


To the Editor:

Addressing inaccuracies published in last week’s Reporter regarding the proposed dock law:

The WMAC has been updating the Town’s dock code. A subcommittee drafted proposed changes to be considered by the full council which were accepted either unanimously or by majority vote.

There is:

— No proposed ban on all docks on the outside shoreline. Three outside shoreline areas were identified by WMAC members as shallow, protected, vulnerable to erosion and habitat destruction as a result of wave action driven by wind and/or boat traffic. The proposal restricts construction of new structures in those areas only.

— No proposed new fee for dock inspections and no proposed annual dock inspections. The dock inspector would continue to be the building inspector.

— No prohibition on using a dock for recreational use. Once built, a dock can be used for all such purposes.

“Riparian Rights” have been edited to match the mooring chapter’s definition more closely. Each is worded to address the particular uses under the applicable chapter. “Riparian Rights” apply to all Island residents — not just waterfront owners. The area below mean high water is available to all for general recreation. Under N.Y. law, “Riparian Rights” for waterfront owners are to provide reasonable access to navigable water for a vessel. If conditions do not permit that, then that purpose cannot be served. Installing one regardless of that negatively impacts “Riparian Rights” of all others and the environment.

The claim that a dock cannot be rebuilt if greater than 30% is destroyed is incorrect. Fifty percent is proposed. If greater than 50% is destroyed, then as is now, a new dock may be built pursuant to code specifications.

The goals of the proposed changes are to maintain “Riparian Rights” of all while protecting and preserving the Island’s precious shoreline.

BILL GERAGHTY, Chairman, Waterways Management Advisory Council


To the Editor:

Tom Cronin’s Sept. 26 Letter to the Editor on the proposed dock law update is a laundry list of errors that distorts the work performed carefully and publicly by the WMAC over the last year. 

As neighbors and members of our small island community, we all — especially those who seek leadership — should seek facts, not spread misinformation.

At the Town Board’s request, the WMAC has been updating the dock code to maintain our beautiful shores for today and generations to come and to create reasonable, safe and consistent criteria to manage frequent variance requests.

What Mr. Cronin got right is one quote from the proposal: language which outlines what Islanders can expect from a private dock installed in public waters.

What he got wrong is everything else. 

• The proposal does not ban docks on “all of Shelter Island except Jenning’s Point (Kissing Rock) to Hay Beach Point.”

• There is no “new tax (fee) on all dock owners;” no “new dock inspector;” no “annual inspection.”

• Recreational use of docks is not prohibited.

The proposed changes have seen extensive due process. Mr. Cronin himself offered comments on May 13, during one of the many dedicated public WMAC meetings where proposed changes were debated, modified and voted upon, often unanimously.

Remove the fear mongering and errors from his letter and not a word remains.

MATTHEW WILLIAMSON, Member, Waterways Management Advisory Council


To the Editor:

Citizenscience.gov is a “…collaboration between the federal government and the public to advance inclusive participation in scientific discovery and research.” (citizenscience.gov/about/#).

There is a robust wealth of information collected by citizens in concert with experts in the field. One citizen science project this writer commends is the Menantic Creek Keepers Conservancy. This neighborhood initiative — menanticcreekkeepers.org/ — with assistance from Cornell Cooperative Extension and Peconic Estuary Partnership, is collecting much-needed data on the creek.

Ms. Hoffman’s letter to the editor on Sept. 26 refers to my political advertisement of Aug. 29 claiming that Citizen Science initiatives are an, “adequate method for assessing our water situation on Shelter Island.”

The reference to Citizen Science in my platform bullets stated, “Empowering Citizen Science: Protect Our Estuaries, Bays and Surface Waters.”

Key word here, “Empower;” no inference that these initiatives are a “… method for assessing our water situation …” She goes on to mock citizen efforts without acknowledging what they have contributed to our understanding of the world and its inhabitants. This denigrates initiatives and those volunteers who collect data to inform and educate the public.

With regard to the WAC Ground and Surface Water Management Plan, published March 3, 2020, Ms. Hoffman criticizes the plan as “outdated, created by citizens who lack formal credentials.”

Has she actually read it? If so, she would see that the GSWMP was written with the guidance of two professional engineers, the United States Geological Survey, and other leaders in the field. Hardly a body of work lacking formal credentials.

Let’s be cognizant of misinformation in this election season.

LISA SHAW, Candidate for Town Board, Island Action Party


To the Editor:

It’s that time of year again — October brings us Breast Cancer Awareness Month. If you are lucky enough to still have a Pink Ribbon that was so kindly made by the Shelter Island High School shop class some years ago and painted by many volunteers, please display it near the road in a visible spot in order to remind people to get screened.

If you don’t have one, please talk to your friends and family about being screened for Breast Cancer and learn your Breast Density so you can get further screening if needed. Mammograms are available to everyone regardless of insurance these days. Further screening for Dense Breasts is also now mandated by new national legislation.

I am once again walking the 5K here on Shelter Island on Oct. 19 to raise funds for, and awareness about, women’s cancers.

Please help me with a donation to The North Fork Breast Health Coalition via Team Flamingo in our effort at the 5K. I know I have counted on many of you in the past. I hope you will continue your support.

The link to my funding page is below. If you prefer to mail me a check put Team Flamingo in the memo line and address it to NFBHC (North Fork Breast Health Coalition) and send it to : Towny Montant P.O. Box 1198 Shelter Island Hts. N.Y. 11965. If you have any questions feel free to reach out to me.

Many thanks for all your help again this year.

Link to the donation page: https://grouprev.com/ShelterFall5K2024-townsend-montant

Please support the Shelter Island Fall 5k Run/Walk and Team Flamingo by walking, running or a donation. It greatly benefits local women’s cancer charities. 

See you all at the 5K.

TOWNY MONTANT, Shelter Island