09.04.2023 Around the Island Jenifer’s Journal: What the walrus said … Hello, September! Well, a couple of days ago, I seemed to be in that hinge of a place again where my column could swing one way or the other....
05.10.2019 Columns Through the Looking-Glass on Lake View Drive My landmark was a white rabbit at the foot of a drive below a steep hill off Lake View Drive. And there he was one cool morning last week,...
12.26.2017 Columns Gimme Shelter: Word police on patrol It’s time for Gimme Shelter’s annual report on how English — the language of Shakespeare, Emerson, Joyce and Professor Irwin Corey — fared in 2017.
08.15.2017 Lifestyle A studio visit with a Shelter Island sculptor The earth-like scent of clay and fresh paint greets visitors in sculptor Jerry Glassberg’s studio. The large, open space is awash with sunshine filtering into the room through several...
03.04.2013 Columns Column: When Sarah Palin met Shakespeare I’ve been disappointed we haven’t had more snow this winter. Yeah, I know, I know. I once had a colleague who was appalled by the very idea of the...