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Gathering Census data in limbo

The point person for the 2020 Census on Shelter Island is seeking advice on whether the Census can continue or has ended as of Wednesday, Sept. 30.

Councilman Mike Bebon is seeking information from a Census coordinator and will advise as soon as he has an answer, he said Wednesday.

Confusion arose after the Trump administration sought to cut short the gathering of information.

But U.S. District Judge Lucy Koh in Northern California issued a preliminary injunction. She enjoined the administration from acting on any date earlier than prescribed by law. But in a tweet, Mr. Trump said the Sept. 30 date would be extended to Oct. 5.

Following the tweet, Judge Koh said setting another date prior to the required end of year date for the Census was “exactly what I enjoined the defendants from doing,”

The administration argued that time is needed to tally results, which dictate the number of seats a state receives in the House of Representatives and distribution of federal money. Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross said he named the Oct. 5 date to meet the Dec. 31 date to report to the president. Judge Koh said that represents a violation.

Another court date is set for the end of this week but leaves the deadline for completing a Census form in limbo.