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Shelter Island water levels at near historic high: Good news at critical time for demand

Islanders may decry rainy weekends and flooding that closed some roadways for short periods last month, but what may have spoiled a few events has been excellent in recharging the sole aquifer serving the Island.

Well levels have generally risen to a point where the Water Advisory Committee can now recommend “normal voluntary water conservation measures,” according to member Greg Toner, who crunches the numbers received monthly from the United States Geological Survey.

The latest numbers for April have been released showing aquifer levels are “near historic highs,” Mr. Toner reported.

“Only the 2010 flooding event had higher levels,” he said.

All 13 test wells are well above their median values for March, despite relatively low precipitation in February, Mr. Toner said, adding that “a very strong recharge continues.”

The good news comes at a time when the demand for water surges as seasonal residents and visitors begin to arrive for the summer season around Memorial Day weekend.