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Shelter Island Reporter Letters to the Editor: July 27, 2023

Just say, ‘No’

To the Editor:

 The Gardiner’s Bay Country Club (GBCC) wants to double its water usage from 6 million gallons to 12 million.

With the drinking water problems and aquifer challenges facing the Island, the Town Board’s response to more water pumping for irrigation by the club should be “No.” 

And “no” to amending the Town code to expand the GBCC irrigation.

“Yes,” to the strengthening and approval of the groundwater goals and standards outlined in chapter five of the Comprehensive Plan.

GBCC can pursue alternative landscaping methods that need low or no water for irrigation.

In the early 1990s, I had the pleasure of accompanying garden author and late Island resident Priscilla Dunhill to the CAL Davis Arboretum in California.

At the time, the Davis Arboretum had the largest collection of “Xeriscapes” styles of greens. (Xeriscape greens and plantings require little or no water). The range of options was both diverse and beautiful. Golf courses and housing developments across the country are implementing Xeriscape methods.

I have wonderful memories of playing golf on many gorgeous courses, from Palm Springs, Calif. to the National Golf links in Southampton. Watching my golf ball run that extra foot or feet on well-irrigated bluegrass fairways was most satisfying.

I encourage my golfing friends to support the conservation and protection of our Island water by enjoying the slow roll of their ball on a tall variety of fescue, (drought resistant) grasses.

Lastly, I do not  recall the subject of chemicals being discussed at the recent Water Advisory Committee meeting.

What chemicals are used on the golf course?

Are they trans-locating into our water supply?

And what are the consequences of saltwater intrusion on the outer margins of Hay Beach peninsula’s aquifer with increased pumping? 

KAREN KIAER, Shelter Island

An amazing blood drive

To the Editor:

I want to extend a big “thank you” to everyone who took time from their busy schedules and came out to make the annual summer blood drive a huge success. 

Your response to Thursday’s drive was amazing. The goal was to collect 36 pints — a total of 56 pints was collected. These will go on to help 168 people in need.

Whether you came in with family members to show your support, or just stopped because you saw our signs along the roadway, your time and donations are greatly appreciated.

Thank you all so much!

Thank you also to Jack Thilberg for the use of the EMS Building. A special shout out to Slice for their support.

Please remember that blood donors are continually needed to ensure that blood is available year round. Hope to see you at the next drive in January.

JUDY MERINGER, Shelter Island