Affordable housing workshops set for Saturday: Sessions for contractors and the public

The Community Housing Board will be joined by Gwen O’Shea, President and Chief Executive of the Community Development Corporation of Long Island (CDCLI) for back-to-back workshops at the Library Saturday afternoon, Sept. 23, to explain accessory dwelling units (ADUs).
The first session at 1 p.m. is for contractors who might be interested in tackling projects to adapt existing properties to accommodate ADUs that would provide additional living spaces for renters.
At 3 p.m., there’s a session for property owners, or anyone who want to learn about ADUs. That may be community members who want to learn more about the concept and property owners who might want to qualify for grants to make conversions, whether it’s to bring the properties up to code or build on to existing houses or existing accessory buildings.
Although the grants obtained from New York State by the CDCLI for Shelter Island use aren’t limited to affordable rentals, that is the aim of the Community Housing Board.
Direct questions to Elizabeth Hanley, chairwoman of the Community Housing Board, at [email protected].