Shelter Island Justice Court reports: Nov. 18, 2023
The following cases were adjudicated at Shelter Island Justice Court on Oct. 2 and 16, 2023 as reported by the court.
Except where indicated, the following defendants pleaded guilty to the charges as noted and were also assessed a $93 state surcharge.
Judge Stanley I. Birnbaum was on the bench Oct. 2, 2023.
John R. Andrew, registration violation, fined $75 plus $93. A charge of operating a vehicle with a suspended registration was dismissed.
Marina L. Hahn, pedestrian violation, reduced from speeding 42 mph in a 25-mph zone, $75.
Jose Medrano, aggravated unlicensed operation, covering number plate violation, $400 plus $93.
Andrea L. Mitchell, no visible distress signal on a vessel, $25.
Karilla Altman, parking without permit, $50.
Deemed scofflaws for failure to appear were Richard M. Blair on a vessel violation; Stephen G. Gafford on vessel regulation and reckless operation charges; Jorge Ramirez Perez, no safety glass; Joseph C. Robinson, vessel regulation violation.
A warrant was continued for Christopher D. Carnes on charges of aggravated harassment.
Criminal summonses were issued for Brett Kincaid, failing to appear on a charge involving dogs; and Dawn Pepitone, allowing a dog to run at large.
Eight cases were adjourned to later dates on the court calendar at the request of defendants or their attorneys; six at the request of the court.
Judge Stanley I. Birnbaum was on the bench Oct. 16, 2023.
Brett Kincaid, parking without permit, $75.
Sarah J. Hollifield, driving while intoxicated, covering turn signal and one-way violations, $500 plus $400.
Miguel Salinas Penafiel, undersized sea bass, $75 plus $75.
Grant M. Smith, pedestrian violation, reduced from speeding 40 mph in a 25-mph zone, $75.
Michael J. Tews, pedestrian violation, reduced from leaving the scene of an accident, $100.
Jules Tyson, failure to display number, $50 plus $93.
Five cases were adjourned to later dates on the court calendar, three at the request of defendants or their attorneys and two at the request of the court.
Deemed a scofflaw for failure to appear was Kevin M. McCafferty on a charge of no inspection certificate.
Judge Mary-Faith Westervelt was on the bench Oct. 2 and 16, 2023.
Three cases were adjourned to later dates in the court calendar at the request of the defendants or their lawyers on Oct. 2.
A warrant for Santolo Esposito on criminal mischief and criminal trespassing was continued on Oct. 16.