Shelter Island By the Numbers: March 10, 2024

Vote at the Town Board t to reject sending a request to Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) to grant permission for a special election to fill the vacant seat on the Town Board
Million dollars of Community Preservation Funds could be spent to pay the town’s 50% share of acquiring a site for at 72 and 80 Midway Road for passive recreation with Suffolk County paying the other half following a public hearing slated for March 18
The year landscape architect Robert Morris Copeland produced plans for the development of Shelter Island Heights
Month extension of the moratorium on building houses more than the allowable 5,999 square feet of living space is to be subject to a March 18 public hearing following a March 6 presentation to the Suffolk County Planning Commission
Of the town’s 13 test wells hit their highest level on record in January thanks to significant rain in December and January
Successful runs for public office mark the political career of retiring Assemblyman Fred Thiele Jr. (D-Sag Harbor)