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Pack of scooters tour Shelter Island

The Shelter Island Vesparados, a group of Islanders riding motorized scooters — Vespas, Hondas, Genuines, Piaggios, and more: “We’re all inclusive,” said Dona Bergin, one of the organizers — throttled up Saturday morning, Aug. 3 at the Shelter Island Heights Firehouse for a tour of the Island.

There were approximately 23 motorized scooters and 27 riders.

Vesparados include all age groups. (Credit: Adam Bundy)

The parade took in Louie’s Beach, Kissing Rock and returned to the firehouse via Winthrop Road to Bridge Street.

Credit: Adam Bundy)

The organizers, Don DeVries, BBQ Bob Freibel, and Dona Bergin said that afterwards some people connected over coffee at Stars Café.