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Shelter Island candidates in their own words

The Reporter asked candidates for the Shelter Island Town Board and for Justice Court to say, in their own words, why they’re running for election this year.


Thomas Cronin

I will stand up for the taxpayer and fight so we aren’t pushed out of this special place we call home. I believe bringing in municipal water isn’t in the best interest of this community. Young families and our seniors on fixed incomes can’t keep up with the rapidly increasing expenses, insurance, taxes and a proposed 10.2% budget increase. Affordability will just be a word here and not a reality.

Thomas Cronin

Homeowners should be responsible for testing their own wells and installing filtration as needed. I want to see hard data on saltwater intrusion, not speculation. With municipal water we risk losing the character of the Island and increasing density.

I/A septic systems are costly and only treat nitrates. Let’s wait for the upgraded systems to see what additional pollutants can be removed from our water before costly mandates. Focus on existing septic systems and mandate a proper maintenance schedule.

I will fight against an overreaching government and oppose the Dock Law.

I believe in a common sense approach to issues. I have a working knowledge of our Police, Fire and EMS departments and unique equipment knowledge when dealing with our Highway Department. No other candidate has this type of knowledge dealing with our largest budget items.

Gordon Gooding

I am running because I believe the Town Board has lost its focus, forgotten its priorities and become paralyzed. The Board has pursued multi-million dollar projects without listening to the public and in some cases, without the necessary expertise to make common sense decisions.

Gordon Gooding

Voters deserve a Town Board that gets things done. This community needs affordable housing built. It needs to protect our drinking water, bays and creeks. The Town Board has a responsibility to control taxes and spending and to listen attentively to the community’s concerns.

Voters will benefit from my decades of experience running a successful construction business. I am the only one of the Town Board candidates with the financial management expertise needed to objectively scrutinize the town’s expenses, negotiate contracts, supervise projects and bring them in on budget. And I will find creative ways to ensure that Islanders are getting the services they need.

I am a team player and seek consensus. I am open-minded. I don’t pretend to have all the answers to our water or zoning questions. But I will work hard to make sure we get those answers before making decisions that might have a huge financial impact. Everything I do will be motivated by the best interests of this community, period.

Lisa Shaw

I decided to become a candidate after the Town Board was unable to choose anyone out of the 11 active and engaged residents who applied to fill the open board seat.

Lisa Shaw

This stalemate was the first indication that decision-making at Town Hall would be slowed down. Because I am unaffiliated, I will be able to focus on the work, not a party or special group’s agenda.

With 27 years of experience on a community water board, and four years as a member of the Water Advisory Committee, of all the candidates, I have the greatest understanding of the financial and operational aspects of managing our precious resource.

We have enough evidence to say water is a public health matter and this will continue to be a complex issue. Additionally, I helped form a subcommittee to introduce fertilizer use legislation into the Town Code. Our efforts resulted in Chapter 67 fertilizer regulations and the creation of an informational brochure about proper fertilizer application to reduce nitrogen loading into our aquifer.

I also initiated a campaign and created a poster on how to properly dispose of prescription drugs. I am someone who gets the work done and will apply that ethic to my role as councilwoman.

Having lived here all my life, I am passionate about maintaining our distinct community “vibe,” both in terms of natural beauty and the way we care for one another.


Stanley Birnbaum

I have been a Shelter Island Town Justice since January 2020. I have been a practicing attorney on the East End with extensive local knowledge of the community, legal knowledge, and experience. I have been a full-time resident of Shelter Island for many years.

I have been appearing in the Court of Shelter Island since the 1990s, and all Courts in our neighboring communities. I have served on numerous professional Bar Association Committees.

Stanley Birnbaum

Alcohol abuse, substance abuse, domestic violence, theft, and anger management affect the community. I am familiar with available Court GPS monitoring and rehabilitation sponsored programs. Our recidivism rate is low on Shelter Island.

As a resident and homeowner, it is important to keep the people and fabric of the community safe and secure. Each morning, I read the New York Law Journal. I try to learn something new about the law every day so that our community does not get left behind.

Practicing attorneys, prosecuting attorneys, victims, Shelter Island Town Police Officers, and defendants are involved with the Court.  As a judge, it is important to listen to people, weigh all sides, be fair, do not prejudge anything or anyone, keep the community safe, and stay humble and respectful.  Act with integrity.

Michael Carey

I am running for Town Justice because Shelter Island is my home, and I want to give back to this community. For 70 years I have been privileged to enjoy this beautiful Island and its wonderful people. I have countless memories, friends and family members on the Island. I will use my life’s experience, talents and energy to keep Shelter Island safe.

Michael Carey

I am well prepared to serve as Town Justice. Highlights of my 40-plus year legal career in the public and private sector include:

• Fordham Law Graduate

• Paul Weiss, Litigation Attorney

• General Counsel, Cambridge Securities LLC

• Partner, Whitman Breed Abbott

• Executive Vice President and General Counsel, then President, NYC Economic Development Corporation

• President, The Carey Group

I have the experience and temperament to be a fair and effective Town Justice.

Shelter Island is largely a safe haven, but it is not immune from the scourge of drugs and criminal activity. We need to work as a community to educate everyone to the dangers of narcotics; encourage, not stigmatize, counseling and treatment programs; and safeguard all by always being vigilant.

I seek the votes of all Islanders on Nov. 5.

A judge administers oaths, is sworn to uphold the law, and seeks the truth.  I believe that I have the character, temperament, responsibility, and background to serve you.


Saturday, Oct. 26, Sunday, Oct. 27, and Monday, Oct. 28, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Tuesday, Oct. 29, and Wednesday, Oct. 30, 7 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Thursday, Oct. 31, and Friday, Nov. 1, Noon to 8 p.m.

Saturday, Nov. 2 and Sunday, Nov. 3, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Early voting takes place at the Community Center