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Menorah lighting on Island set for Dec. 26

This year’s Shelter Island Menorah Lighting will take place on Thursday, Dec. 26 at 5 p.m. in front of the police department headquarters. All are welcome to join.

Rabbi Berel Lerman for the 11th annual lighting ceremony, which will include music, holiday treats and a festive celebration organized by Center For Jewish Life in Chabad Sag Harbor. 

At last year’s lighting there was up-tempo music, laughter, singing, sufganiyah — the jelly doughnuts served in Jewish households around the world at Chanukah — as well as candies, latkes, and a call to resist darkness by bringing light.

On that night, driving rain and high winds did not discourage the 50 or so people who gathered in front of police headquarters next to the Christmas tree. It seemed nothing could dampen the joy of celebrating the Jewish festival of lights.

During Chanukah, public Menorah lighting ceremonies are held all over the world. The tradition dates to 160 B.C., when Judah the Maccabee led a small army of Jews and successfully defeated the Syrians, reclaiming the temple and relighting the golden Menorah. 

According to legend, the Jews had only enough oil for a single day, but the Menorah burned for eight days, and the eight candles on the Menorah are there to remember the power of faith.

The power of faith and community always bring comfort and inspiration in dark times, the rabbi said in last year’s service, noting “rising antisemitism, bigotry and hatred,” and referenced the savage attack by Hamas on Israel on Oct. 7, 2023 as “atrocities in the Holy Land,” reminding Jewish communities of the Holocaust and pogroms.

“But we’re gathered here to celebrate the power of light, and spirituality, a greater power than darkness,” he said. “The Menorah is a symbol of that power over darkness.”

Rabbi Lerman told the gathering, “Darkness has no power in itself. We all see this when we enter a dark room and turn on a light — darkness vanishes. Together we can dispel the darkness of our time.”

As he lit the candles with a small propane torch, Father Peter DeSanctis held an umbrella to shelter the rabbi from the rain. 

The gathering sang the lilting Hebrew song, “Maoz Tzur.” Soon, voices filled the air with “The Dreidel Song,” and finally the ceremony was completed with a singing of “Oshe Shalom.”

“Pray for peace,” Rabbi Lerman said. “Shalom!”

The Center for Jewish Life in Sag Harbor will also host a Winter Wonder Chanukah Party on Sunday, Dec. 29, from 1 to 3 p.m. Winter carnival games will be offered, as well as a Snowman Bounce and Dreidel Snow Globe craft. Guests will enjoy snow cones, hot cocoa, chocolate coins and latkes. The new Visions of Jerusalem Art Exhibit will be open for visitors to enjoy.

Tickets are $18 per person. To RSVP, email [email protected]