Shelter Island Reporter Letters to the Editor
Meat and potatoes
To the Editor:
The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted all of us on Shelter Island in ways big and small. Many Islanders are enduring incredible difficulties just trying to put food on the table and make ends meet during this time of crisis. Many of their stories are truly life-and-death situations and worthy of our heartfelt attention, and a donation.
At the same time, many local Island businesses are thinking outside the box, finding ways to adapt to the state’s reopening guidelines and working hard to stay afloat. We sympathize with them and will support them in their efforts.
However, while we shouldn’t dismiss the degree of anyone’s hardship, we can certainly make judgments based on our own definitions of what constitutes serious need.
So before the newspaper decides to highlight one business’ GoFundMe page, it should seriously consider giving equal time to the many other deserving businesses, organizations and individuals that have suffered and continue to suffer during this pandemic.
The Shelter Island community would then have a better understanding of need before deciding whether a croissant and a latte is more important than meat and potatoes.
Vivienne Ganter-Ritz, George Goodleaf, Mary Fran Gleason, Tom Bliss
Shelter Island
To the Editor:
Ambrose Clancy’s column (“Light and dark,” June 25) is so relevant to our times and, to me, is written straight from his heart.
For those of you who question what appears in the Letters to the Editor, I for one am thankful that we have an editor who believes in everyone’s right to freedom of expression, without interference.
Regarding Emma Gallagher’s essay (“Time for a change,” June 11): Although I strongly disagree with her political views, I had no problem understanding them. The criticism received is a lesson in life that, when you put yourself out there, you can expect opposition.
I hope this doesn’t discourage Emma in her future endeavors and I hope she recognizes the rights we are given via our Constitution and Bill of Rights.
After all, this is America where, thank God, we still have this freedom.
Linda Puls
Shelter Island
Poor taste
To the Editor:
Emma Gallagher has been a busy girl these last several weeks. She graduated first in her class. She helped organize and lead the largest political demonstration in our island’s history. She also published a profound essay in our fine newspaper focusing the public discourse on police brutality and racial insensitivity.
She has demonstrated to the world that she is a smart, capable, and determined young lady with high moral standards.
It was disconcerting to read a letter published on this page disparaging this fine young lady for her punctuation in her essay.
The letter by Ms. Kilb was petty, spiteful and did not contribute to the public debate that Ms. Gallagher is spearheading. Even though the letter may qualify as constitutionally protected free speech, it was in poor taste and should not have been published.
By printing such trash, the editor is opening the doors to anyone who wants to spite their neighbors they don’t like, by highlighting their embarrassing deficiencies in print for everybody to read. That certainly is not the purpose of this newspaper or this page.
I would like to take that opportunity to highlight an embarrassing deficiency of Ms. Kilb. A distinct lack of intelligence.
David Olsen
Shelter Island
Many uses
To the Editor:
When our family moved into our home on Feb. 28, 2020, the first thing on our list was to remove the trees that had overgrown the house.
Little light entered through the windows. The overgrown conditions had created rot, roof damage, gutters filled with little trees sprouting in them. Mildew on the walls, rotted limbs that reached over the roof at the front door, five arborvitae that had reached an impressive 60-feet right next to the house, grew through the fence and rubbed against the power line serving the house.
The hickory trees that the squirrels planted after the land was cleared to build the house in the 1960s grew through the overhead power and cable lines serving Silver Beach. Sections of their branches, stuck between the support cable and the power/cable lines, are a reminder of where they once grew.
The oak that had the rot is gone and the new septic will go in where it once stood. The driveway entrance is clear to the north and south. We can safely access Brander Parkway and see traffic and pedestrians. The trees that blocked our view of the road and threatened our house were expertly removed at the end of March.
Now we can plant new trees and gardens in their proper place. We paid the 2% mandated Peconic Bay Community Preservation Fund tax. Perhaps trees can planted in the field at the Crab Creek preserve with that money.
Land can have many uses — homes, fields and gardens. Sometimes trees are in the wrong spot.
This letter does not tick the “global warming,” “carbon is killing us,” boxes, or “we need more laws because they over-regulated in other towns” box. It ticks the “reality” and “truth” boxes.
If anyone needs firewood, lumber, or a great tree removal company, please contact me.
Christopher Stehling
Shelter Island