Registration open for Time Travelers: Youth history program to return this summer
Registration opened, April 1 for the Historical Society’s Time Travelers Youth Program for this summer. Visit to register.
This year’s Time Travelers Youth Program comprises four different weeks, featuring a different guest artist each week. Each week is limited to 10 children only. Children (of the appropriate age for the specific activity) may enroll in multiple weeks.
Each week is $200.00 per child.
Week 1: “HOW?” Antique Tools & Woodworking with Chris Fokine
Tuesday, July 27 through Thursday, July 29, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Ages 6-11
Chris Fokine will introduce the children to his amazing collection of historic tools and show them how these tools can be used to transform a simple piece of wood into something structural, magnificent and useful. Children will learn to use a variety of tools and practice some simple woodworking techniques. Their experience will culminate in the creation of their very own woodworking project.
Mr. Fokine is a master builder and owner of Fokine Construction, operating on Shelter Island for over 35 years. Recently, he and his company completed the renovation of the 1743 Havens House and construction of The Shelter Island History Center.
Week 2: “WHY?” Philosophy with Children through Fairy Tales with Wendy Turgeon
Tuesday, Aug. 3 through Thursday, Aug. 5, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Ages 6-11
This week will focus on storytelling through select fairy tales. Children will enjoy exploring fairy tales by thinking of the “big ideas.” These explorations will be followed by a structured game break with games and art activities that invite them to imagine “far away and long ago.” Discussions, role playing and activities will give children the chance to explore their sense of wonder and puzzlement about the world, develop their skills of inquiry, creative thinking and natural curiosity.
Wendy Turgeon teaches philosophy to undergraduates at St. Joseph’s College, and for years taught a course at Stony Brook University to graduate students in philosophy with children. She has published in the field of philosophy for/with children and presented at conferences for many years.
Week 3: “IMAGINE!” Fantasy Papier Mache Sculptures with Stephanie Lebowitz
Monday, Aug. 9 through Thursday, Aug. 12, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Ages 8-11
Children will design and create their own imaginary creature, person or “thing” using a variety of materials and papier mache. PLEASE NOTE: Due to the intricate nature of this project, this week runs for FOUR DAYS.
Stephanie Lebowitz has been an artist and art educator for over 40 years. She has received many awards, served as a master teacher, training other teachers, and as an adjunct professor at NYU University. She has been the recipient of numerous Foundation for the Arts grants in coordination with MOMA and the Metropolitan Museum of Art. Over the years, she has developed many successful programs for the Shelter Island Historical Society and for the Shelter Island Garden Club.
Week 4: “CREATE!” Puppeteering with Liz Joyce of Goat on a Boat Puppet Theatre
Tuesday, Aug. 17 through Thursday, Aug. 19, 9 a.m. to 12 p.m. Ages 6-11
Liz Joyce will take kids on an imaginary underwater adventure to create environments, puppet creatures and stories about the sea. From the exploration of different types of puppetry, to the creation of background scenery, to the writing of scripts, to the creation of their own puppets, to handling the puppets and making them come alive, children will experience the different creative stages of producing a puppet show.
Ms. Joyce is the founder of Goat on a Boat Puppet Theatre which has hosted amazing puppet shows from puppeteers around the region, nation and the world. She creates her own shows through her touring company. “A Couple of Puppets.”
Visit to learn more about the individual artists.
Face coverings are required for all staff, artists, and children. Social distancing will be maintained.
Please note, if you cancel your registration within two weeks of your registered week, no refund will be given.