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Sunday at Shelter Island’s Union Chapel: Psalms for All Seasons

Union Chapel in the Grove welcomes Bishop Andrew St. John of St. Thomas Episcopal Church in Manhattan on Sunday, Aug. 18 at 10:30 a.m. His sermon title is “Psalms for All Seasons.” Cottage Trio will provide the music. All are welcome to the indoor service, followed by an outdoor reception catered by Stars Café.

Bishop St. John was born, educated and ordained in Melbourne, Australia, and served in that diocese and the Diocese of London, U.K. He pursued post-graduate studies in 1983 at the General Theological Seminary in New York City. He was consecrated as bishop in 1995 and served as an assistant bishop in the Diocese of Melbourne until 2001.

Though technically retired, he continues to serve as an assisting bishop for the Diocese of New York and enjoys preaching and teaching. Since returning to New York in 2003, he’s served as Interim Rector at Holy Trinity, on East 88th Street, and as Rector of the Church of the Transfiguration (the Little Church around the Corner) from 2005 until 2016, when he officially retired.

Soon after, he served two years as Interim Rector of the Church of the Holy Apostles in Chelsea and as Interim Director of the Holy Apostles Soup Kitchen, the largest soup kitchen in New York City. This relatively small parish on 9th Avenue has a huge outreach program. With a staff of six cooks and 30 volunteers, they serve over 1,000 meals every work day. Bishop St. John stabilized its operation and brought in new leadership.

Upon retirement, he made his home in New York City and became an American citizen. He chaired the Diocesan Clergy Critical Needs Committee and continues to serve on the boards of the House of the Redeemer and the American Friends of the Anglican Centre in Rome. He is Rector Emeritus of the Church of the Transfiguration and honorary Bishop in Residence at St. Thomas, Fifth Avenue.

The music of the Cottage Trio has graced Union Chapel services for several summers. The trio is composed of violinist Ann Marie Chubet, her husband, James on keyboard and Jeannie Woelker on cello.

All are invited to join on Sunday, Aug. 18 for Bishop Andrew St. John, Cottage Trio and the welcoming place that is Union Chapel.

Next week: Harvest Sunday honoring Sylvester Manor Educational Farm. Rev. Galen Guengerich of All Souls Unitarian Church in Manhattan will preach.