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Kid stuff

St. Mary’s is hosting its annual Blessing of the Animals on Saturday, Aug. 3, at 11 a.m. with a special service of comfort at noon to mourn the loss of a beloved animal. The service honors St. Francis of Assisi and features refreshments for both humans and pets. 

Sylvester Manor offers Story Thyme at the Manor Farmstand on Saturday, Aug. 3, at 10:30 a.m., go to sylvestermanor.org.

Are your kids crafters? They can join expert crafter Rachel Foster at the Shelter Island Library to create a tie-dye masterpiece using the “fork tie-dying” technique on Saturday, Aug. 3, at 3 p.m. Register: 631-749-0042. Specify your tee shirt size at time of registration. Fee: $5. 

Forget American Idol, take the kids to a Perlman Music Program concert for inspiration. They offer a Works in Progress Concert on Saturday, Aug. 3, at 7:30 p.m. at the PMP campus. Students of The Perlman Music Program’s Summer Music School present varied programs of classical masterworks. Free, open to the public.  Go to perlmanmusicprogram.org. 

Junior chefs will love this! Families can join Sonomi for DIY sushi at the Library as she explains the rich and delicious history of Japanese sushi and learn how to make your own on Monday, Aug. 5, at 4 p.m. Register: 631-749-0042. This program is for all ages but young children must be accompanied by an adult.

Get ready for some outdoor fun! The Lions Club cornhole tournament takes place Tuesday, Aug. 6, from 5 to 8 p.m. at Sunset Beach to benefit the Lions Club.